Monday, January 3, 2011

Double Digit Infant

Nicholas officially turned TEN months on the first!  I have to admit that this one snuck up on me.  I usually feel like I am calling him a month older for several days before he actually is that month.  Now I keep having to remind myself that he is NOT nine months old.

I really thought Nicholas would be walking by now, but he has proven time and again that he will do things on his own when he decides to do them. He has stood on his own only a handful of times, but mostly he gets scared and will grab onto something to keep his balance.   He has officially been crawling for five months, and he is so efficient with it that he may have decided he never needs to learn to walk.  He also can pull up to a stand on anything and cruises one-handed along furniture.  We have also noticed him getting his feet under him when he is playing and sort of bouncing in a squat.  I just have to remind myself to be patient.  He is not on a timeline.  But it is so hard when I am so excited to see him discover new things.

Christmas was lots of fun this year.  Nick loves to eat wrapping paper and gets extremely excited when he unwraps something and discovers there is a BOX underneath! How awesome is that?  And then when there is something inside of the box...oh man, he squeals and bounces and gets so animated.  He got tons of loot from both sets of grandparents, aunts and uncles, and Santa.  We are still in Ohio, and we are not sure we will have room in our car for all of his stuff.  We may have to leave Scott and let him hitchhike home. ;-)

Snow was a fun experience as well.  Grandma K bought a little sled for him, and he had so much fun getting pulled around  and going down the hill in their backyard.  He didn't seem to mind the cold at all.  At least not until he thought it would be fun to try to eat the snow and discovered it was icy!!  The tears only lasted for a few seconds anyway and then he was back to playing.

The most amazing transition in the last month is how much Nicholas has started playing on his own.  It is so great to watch him play and discover new things.  He will drive his cars around and make a "zoom" sound.  He loves anything that has a door flap on it, and he will open and close any sort of door over and over and over again.  He got a barn for Christmas and plays with the barn door, "mooing" along with the cow.  He also has started "dancing" to all of his toys that make music.  He got a little sports center for Christmas from Grandma C and within minutes figured out to put the basketball in the basketball hoop.  This morning he put a bunch of cars in his ball popper (we think it's because it has what looks like a race track on it that the balls roll down). He also will play peekaboo by lifting a blanket over his face and lowering it and squealing.  Unfortunately, he also does this with his bib when he is eating and often ends up covered in food!

On Christmas Eve, just as he was drifting off to sleep, he started clapping his hands open palmed for the first time.  He now claps whenever he accomplishes anything, and it is soooo cute!  This morning he was sleeping and got this smile on his face and started clapping in his sleep.

"Mama" "Dada" and "Baba" have now become part of his language in the past month as well.  Unfortunately, he does not seem to associate them with anything.  I have noticed when he picks up something off the floor, he will hold it up and in this high pitched squeal, say "Wassaaat", which I interpret to be a precursor to "What's that?"

This blog post has no real purpose or point. It just kind of rambles on, but I am just in awe of this little miracle every day. It is so amazing just to watch him look a little older every day and discover new and wonderful things.

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