Monday, November 1, 2010

Nicholas-The Amazing Eight Month Old

Today Nicholas turns 8 months old!! Happy Month Birthday Nicholas!!

I cannot believe I have an 8 month old.  Shortly after Nicholas was born, we were in Target and saw another baby in a car seat.  This baby looked like a mutant baby, taking up almost the entire car seat, and I asked the mother how old he was.  She said he was 8 months. Looking at my own baby,  swimming in his Newborn size sleeper, I could not imagine having an 8 month old. That seemed so far away.  And now it has snuck up on me.

One thing I could not comprehend at the time, either, was that I would be one of those people whose child didn't sleep through the night.  The parenting books said that by three months most babies were sleeping through the night.  I did not know how I would make it three months without sleeping an entire night.  I am now entering my ninth month of interrupted sleep, and I somehow still function.  I also swore I would never be one of those parents who could let their child "cry it out" to get to sleep.  We are now three weeks into CIO, and he is finally starting to sleep on a regular schedule (and yes, the fact that he wakes twice a night is considered a victory!).  We all change and adapt.

This is such an amazing time in the life of a baby.  He is discovering new things every day!  The other day he actually stood by himself for the first time.  We have since gotten him to do it again quite a few times, but as soon as he realizes we are clapping and cheering, he drops to his knees.

Nicholas is also discovering new uses for his toys.  He has started crawling into the basket of his bouncy seat to play.  He has learned that if he pulls up on the playpen, he can walk up the side of it (I am terrified of the day he will fall out!).  He loves to turn the pages of his books.  He makes a clucking sound with his tongue that he thinks is hilarious for someone to do back to him.  He loves to stand inside his push wagon and get pushed through the house while he makes an "Ahhhhh" sound.

He is starting to make associations, and whenever he sees me pull out one of his food bowls, he starts crying and reaching for it.  He digs in the little snack tray (when it's empty) on his stroller until someone gives him puffs to eat.    He starts laughing when I turn on the bath water for his bath.  And last night at the Fall Festival he got excited when he saw the little ducks floating in the tub for one of the games(he loves his rubber ducky in his bath).  He also starts crying when he sees Daddy put on his hat because he knows that Daddy is leaving.

There are so many things he does that I could list all day, but I know that no one cares to read about my kid as much as I do.  I just can't believe how fast he is growing and how quickly the time is flying by.  I love my little guy so much!!

1 comment:

  1. I finally followed one of your comments on my blog. I had never thought to look and see if you were blogging too! I really love to read about how Nicholas is doing. It gives me a bit of a thrill to imagine that Kenneth could be doing those same things in a few months. (Just a little note: I think it's awesome that you also have a son with a name that is typically shortened but you stick to the long version... is that a mom thing?)
